News 8
I watched (over the phone) the Good Morning Texas segment Monday, featuring Gladney and a "birthmother" who was 16, plugging the agency about how they have paid for her edu, etc. named Hayley. Here's my response to Channel 8 that I just emailed. If I don't hear back in a couple days I'll give them a call. I encourage you to contact them as well ;)---------------------------------------------------------------------I was surprised and alarmed on Monday to see that Channel 8 only represented one side of the story in terms of adoption. The media generally interviews more than one party's perspective, and the Gladney Center for Adoption was represented as well as a "birthmother". 1) The "birthmother" was in actuality a Potential Birthmother. She had not even given birth yet, and was only 16. 2) How manipulative and pressuring to have such a young girl 'plug' the agency, in spite of having her parents' permission. 3) Why not interview a birthmother who has already relinquished, or an adult adopted person? I am adopted and a close friend of mine is a birth mother. We are both reunited, I have had my records opened, and we would be happy to speak with you about our stories or connect you with other interested parties at any time. Adoption is a complicated, emotionally charged issue that cannot adequately be portrayed by interviewing an adoption agency, who has a vested financial interest in the process. Thank you so much for your time. Katy
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